Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

13 Months Old...

Hey Everyone! I turned 13 months old yesterday, July 23. I'm getting so big. I have taken a few steps at a time, but I'm not walking yet. I go all around the furniture and take my walker around the house, too. I've said two words...ball (for Grammy) and head. My favorite song is "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"...that's where the "head" came from. I still love to listen and dance to music and be sung and read to. My favorite books right now are Never Put a Frog in the Kitchen Sink, My Puppy Friends, My Kitten Friends, Dr. Seuss's ABC, and Happy Baby Words/Animals. I love any book with dogs and cats. I have learned to wave, and I love to wave at people and my stuffed animals. Every morning I have to wave to my big monkey and my little Curious George stuffed animals. I love to look at pictures of my family and of myself. I can't go past one without sticking my arm out and pointing to it. I do this to lots of objects, which means, I want to see that. I love to throw the ball with anyone, and I like to put things in and out of my Tonka truck. I have 4 teeth now, and two more are coming in up top. I love to eat just about everything...especially hummus, cheese, chicken, and eggs. Smoothies are my favorite thing, too!!! I love to splash in the bathtub, go to the pool, be tickled, be chased around the room by Mommy, see Daddy after he comes home from work, go to Grammy & Grandpa's, and go on walks. Life is still so good! Here are some pictures of me from yesterday.

Here I am with my walker. Here are my famous monkey pictures. New location!

Where's the light?
Trying to walk to Mommy.