Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2007

More September Pics...

September 29, 2007...Just playin'. Trying to figure out my stacking cubes.
September 26, 2007...I like to carry something at all
times. Here I am carrying some wrapping paper for
my cousin Charlie's birthday presents.
Please sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and
Toes" to me.
I love my daddy!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm 15 Months Old!!!

Hey everyone! I turned 15 months old on Sunday, September 23. I am a very happy baby. I love walking, and I can walk pretty fast now. I have 2 new teeth coming in, for a total of 8 teeth. I still love to eat. My current favorites are cheese, smoothies, eggs, raisins, and avocado. I have recently tried Goldfish and Animal Crackers...both are really yummy! I can now drink from a straw, and I like trying to feed myself with a spoon. I'm still not talking much, but I can say ball, bath, dada, and mama (if she's really lucky). I try to say thank you, Jack, and hot. I point at everything, wanting to know the names of things. I still love music and books. My current favorites are Time for Bed; The Wheels on the Bus; This is the Way We Take a Bath; Mommy, Carry Me Please; and Animals. I love books with pictures of cats, dogs, and babies. I really wish Mommy and Daddy would buy me a real dog or cat. I can give hugs and kisses, give high fives, clink glasses with my sippy cup when someone says "Cheers!", brush my teeth (which I'm really into), do silly things with my paci, and go get certain things when I'm asked. I like trying to climb the stairs and destroying the house. I love the stuffed animals in my crib and room, especially my big monkey and Curious George. I still love to go on walks in my jogger...looking for cars, trucks, dogs, and airplanes. My life is GREAT! Here are some pictures of me on September 23.

Here I am at the park. I had fun playing with the buckets.

Then, I discovered the sand! I like playing with it.

Here I am crawling through a tunnel at the park.

Here are my monkey pictures.

Mommy, I've had enough!
Playing in my room!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September Pics...

September 19, 2007...Just sitting on the

steps, playing with Mommy's I-pod.

September 16, 2007...Here I am with Uncle Matt.
He came over to watch the Michigan/Notre Dame
game. I love Uncle Matt!

September 16, 2007...Here I am driving Mommy's

car with Daddy. This is my first time driving.

(We're just in the driveway).
September 5, 2007...I am learning how to
sort my shapes. These are my looks of total

September 4...I like to climb in my Tonka!
September 4...This is the way I let Mommy know

that I want her to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees,

& Toes" to me. I tap my head.

September 4...This is my "where did it go?" pose.

September 3...I love my daddy.

September 3, 2007...Happy Labor Day! Here I am

having lunch with my cousin, Lindsey.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Third Michigan Tailgate & Trip to Ann Arbor...

Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken Mommy so long to get some new pictures on my website. She dropped our camera in the pool, and we had to get a new one. She's figured out how to work the new camera...don't worry, she'll keep putting pictures on here for you.
Last weekend, September 7-9, we flew to Detroit and then drove to Ann Arbor for our annual football game. This was my third time (once in the belly and twice out). I got to see my Nano & Nana, Auntie Lish, Uncle Michael, my cousin T.J., and a bunch of my daddy's Michigan buddies. It was a very busy weekend. Here are lots of pictures from my very fun (even though the Wolverines played their worst game ever) trip. Enjoy!
September 9, 2007...
Here I am with Nano, Nana, Uncle Michael, Auntie
Lish, and T.J. outside Weber's Inn, where we always stay. Here's my cousin, T.J. Isn't he adorable? He is
now a little over 3 months old.

Here I am with Nano, Nana & T.J.
Here we are with our daddies.
September 8...Tailgating time before the Michigan/Oregon game. Here I am with Daddy, Mommy, and Wally the Wolverine, who was set up at our tailgating site. (Sorry his head is cut off in the picture). I had so much fun tailgating. I wanted to play all the games that the big people were playing. Plus, I ate a lot of food.

Here I am playing with the bocce balls.
Croquet, anyone? Chillin' in my camping chair. GO BLUE!
Enjoying some tasty watermelon. I ate 3 slices!
Here I am with T.J. and Iris (who is Daddy's
friend Erik's new baby). T.J. looks like he's going
to cry because I keep poking him with my finger.
I really love babies.

Monday, September 03, 2007

I Like to Brush My Teeth - Video

Here is a video of me brushing my teeth on July 23, 2007. Enjoy!