Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011


October 31, 2011...Happy Halloween!  This was my first rainy we did very little trick-or-treating.  We drove over to Grammy's house first.  Then we walked to a few houses on our street, but it was raining so hard we were ready to go home.

Pirates in wet raincoats with Daddy...

Hillridge Farms...

October 31, 2011...Happy Halloween!  No school today, so Mommy took Reesey & me to Hillridge Farms.  We met up with our friends there.  We had a great time playing, going down the tunnel slide, feeding the animals, riding the train, going on a hayride, and visiting the pumpkin patch.  I love going to Hillridge Farms!!!!!

Here I am with my friends, Drew & Max...

Reese & me...

Just adorable me...

Playing in the corn...

On the train...

The awesome tunnel slide...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Future Champ of the Week...

October 29, 2011...Next week, I am Champ of the Week at school.  Here I am with our class turtle playing air hockey.  I am supposed to take him places with me.


October 29, 2011...Today we went to Trunk-or-Treat at the Y.  Reese & I were pirates!  We had fun going to different stations and trunk-or-treating (getting treats from people who had the trunks of their cars decorated and full of treats for us).

Here we are with our friends, Riley & Ainsley.  Natalie didn't want to have her picture taken.

Getting a tattoo...

Here we are with Sarah, one of Mommy's former students...

This trunk was really cool...a New Orleans/Mardi Gras theme!

End of Tigers T-Ball...

October 29, 2011...We had the rainiest season of t-ball...lots of cancelled practices and games.  Funny enough, our last game of the season was cancelled today, so we just had our end of season "picnic" inside and took some pictures.  Here I am with Coach Pat  and Coach Andy (right).

Here I am with part of the Tigers team...left to right: Ian, Ryleigh, Angel, me, Matthew, and Carter...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Field Trips...

October 26, 2011...Here I am on one of my first field trips of the year.  This was a walking field trip, and we actually got to go out to a cafe for breakfast.  It was so much fun.  We made tie-dye shirts to wear on all of our field trips since we go on so many at our school.  This is my friend, Katherine.

October 28, 2011...Here I am in my classroom before another field trip.  I am helping with the morning message.  I am finding a certain word to circle.

Here I am with Kevin and Katherine on our walking field trip.  Mommy got to come along, too!  Today we are learning about needs and wants...and which businesses in our community provide things that we need versus things that we want. We toured a very nice hotel, and we got to go back in the kitchen and learn what happens there.

My friends, Eli & Jack S, and me...
In our chef hats in the hotel's kitchen...

 Here's our class on the stairs of the hotel.  I'm in the middle row, second from the left.

Can you believe part of our walking field trip included going into Target?  Yep!!!!  Here I am with my friend, Elijah, in front of the "Cars 2" display.  I think this is a "want" not a need.

After our field trip, we made a fun Halloween snack!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


October 27, 2011...This is my friend, Kayla.  We carpool to school together.  We are having a playdate after school this afternoon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reese's Last Game...

October 28, 2011...I'm so proud of my little brother, Reese!  He got his first trophy today for playing soccer!  Today was his last game of the season.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm 64 Months Old!!!!

October 25, 2011...I am now 64 months old...still sweet, loving kindergarten, and a great big brother.

Monday, October 24, 2011


October 24, 2011...Here is a letter that I wrote to my friend, Kevin, this evening...Can you believe I am big enough to write letters?

More Soccer...

October 24, 2011...Hanging out after school with my friend, Dorsey, at Reese's soccer game...

Can you tell I had a blue snow cone?  Thanks, Grammy!

Grammy's boys...I love you Grammy!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Student-Led Conference...

October 20, 2011...Today I had my kindergarten conference with Daddy & Mommy.  I led the conference because at our school, we do student-led conferences.  I showed Mommy & Daddy all the things I've been doing and learning about, read to them, and answered their questions.  I'm doing great in kindergarten!!!!!

I wrote my numbers from 1-100, then by hundreds to 700.  That's all I could fit on the front of one page!
(The directions were to write your numbers as high as you could go).

Daddy & Mommy were so proud of me!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fair Time!!!!!

October 17, 2011...Yep, it's that time of year again...time for the state fair!!!!!  Grammy & Mommy took us, and we all had a great time!


Gotta check out the goods...

My favorite part of the fair is visiting the baby chicks.  This year they were in a cage, and I couldn't pick them up.  They are so adorable!

That's Mommy, Reesey, and me coming down the slide.  I did this over and over!

I love to go in the fun houses and mazes.

Fishing for sharks...

I caught one!!!

I loved every minute of the fair!

Oh yes, and did I mention that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE cotton candy!

Grammy "winning" Tom & Jerry for us...$40 later...

We had such a blast today!