Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

The "Master" Game...

February 28, 2011...This is what I call the "master" game... Hockey guys, football guys, and baseball guys...

Last Day of February...

February 28, 2011...Here I am with Reesey on the last day of February, shorts & a t-shirt! It was 83 degrees today, and we had so much fun playing outside at our sand & water table. Mommy had fun taking lots of pictures of us, too. Thanks for playing with me, Reesey!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


February 27, 2011...Playing with my neighbors,
Camden, Wyntur, and Nolan. Reesey is napping!
Can you believe it was about 80 degrees today?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


February 26, 2011...Here I am with the Chick-Fil-A cow.
We went there after my game!

Big Birds Last Game & VIDEOS...

February 26, 2011...Today was our last basketball game. The best part of it all was getting a trophy!!! I am so proud of mine. I had fun playing basketball this season. I definitely improved on my dribbling, and I am learning the rules of play. Here are some pictures of me with my team.
Dorsey (center), Max, and me...
The Big Birds team!!!
Dorsey & me...

Here I am with the ball VIDEO...

Here's a VIDEO of my friend, Max, scoring. I was
so excited for him!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Fifty-Six Months Old!!!

February 23, 2011...I am now just 4 months away from turning 5 years old. Mommy is registering me for kindergarten and is so sad about it!!! We even went on a tour of a school today. I think I'm going to like kindergarten! I haven't changed too much over the past month (except that now I am sleeping without rails on my bed, and I can tell time on my digital watch). I am just as sweet and dear as ever, growing and learning every day. I'm still doing school with Mommy. This past month we have spent a lot of time visiting my grandpa at the hospital. He's been really sick. Reese & I really cheer up Grammy & Grandpa when we visit. I've found two new favorite movies..."The Jungle Book" and "Finding Nemo" and of course I still love "Cars" and "Mater's Tall Tales" videos. My favorite show is "Thomas & Friends" and I still like to watch "Little Bear." I love to read books with Mommy & Reesey. Some of my favorites are Thomas books; Penguin Pete; Berenstain Bears; nonfiction books & anything Mommy reads to me. My favorite foods are pork tacos with cilantro (I love cilantro!!!), Cheez-its, Girl Scout cookies (Caramel Delites, Tagalongs, and Thin Mints), juice, yogurt, oranges, broccoli, and eggs. I have a new friend, Dorsey, whom I love to play with at the Y. Her birthday is the day after mine!!! I love my little brother Reesey; playing Wii with Daddy (especially baseball); being with Daddy; getting up from my rest time; seeing Grammy & Grandpa; going to my class at church on Sunday mornings; getting books at the library; playing outside; playing with my friends; playing hide-n-seek; watching Thomas videos on; riding my bike; getting mail; my cars from "Cars"; coloring & making crafts; getting treats at Starbucks; talking about what new toys I want to buy; playing basketball at the Y; and having fun. Here are some pictures of me being me (sorry, no monkey)...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ready for Baseball Season & VIDEOS...

February 20, 2011...Playing t-ball at Uncle Rob & Aunt Lori's house...
Watch these "rips"...

Aunt Lori suggested that I hit it off the deck...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Almost VIDEO...

February 19, 2011...Check this out! I was so close!!!

I'm improving every game. VIDEO...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Park Time!!!

February 18, 2011...It was really warm today...77 degrees!
We spent a couple hours at the park with our friends,
Drew, Will & baby sister, Libby. We even got pink cheeks
from the sun! We are all ready for Spring!

Friends & brothers...Will, Drew, Jack, Reese...

Rock wall!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sleeping Beauty...

February 16, 2011...Napping...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cam & Me...

February 14, 2011...Having fun with my buddy, Camden!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

February 14, 2011...Happy Valentine's Day!
We started our day off with Valentine's presents & cards.
Then, Mommy made her traditional pink heart pancakes
for us. I thought they were super yummy!!! We also went to visit Grammy & Grandpa at Duke today.
We brought them a Valentine's dinner and cards. We
got to watch "Milo & Otis" in Grandpa's bed.
Here we are with Grandpa! He's been in the hospital for
almost three weeks. We really miss him, so we try to
come see him as much as we can to cheer him & Grammy up.
I made a Valentine craft. My heart is playing a guitar!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Afternoon...

February 13, 2011...This afternoon I watched Mater with Reesey, built some Cars houses with Mommy, and read books with Daddy. I love my family!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Big Bird Game & VIDEO...

February 12, 2011...Here I am with some of my teammates... Dribbling VIDEO...

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Making my Valentines & VIDEO...

February 9, 2011...I started making my Valentine cards today.
I spotted some Cars cards at the grocery store, so I used them
to make my very own Valentine's Day cards... I'm getting good at writing my letters...
Here's the inside of a card I made...