Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm Four & a Half!!!

December 23, 2010...I am now four & a half years old! Mommy says I have to stay this age forever, and that I definitely am not allowed to turn five. I'm just growing up too quickly! What am I into lately??? CHRISTMAS! Every day, I have a new idea of something that I want for Christmas. If we go anywhere, I find something new that I need! I'm definitely easy to shop for! We've been reading lots of Christmas books lately. Some of my favorites are Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Polar Express, Nativity, Mooseletoe, Frosty the Snowman, The Hat, Gingerbread Baby, and Here Comes Santa Claus. I saw "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" on t.v. after decorating our tree, and I loved that movie! I like watching anything related to Christmas and some of my regular shows..."Little Bear" and "The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot about That" and of course, "Thomas & Friends." I don't have any new favorite foods, but I love Christmas because I get to drink eggnog. Eggnog is my FAVORITE!!!!! I even tried pumpkin flavored eggnog. It was pretty good. I've also been doing lots of Christmas crafts and some ornaments lately, which I've really enjoyed. I've been learning to read, and I can read a lot of sight words including the, and, go, up, get, for, four, no, two, to, too, like, is, in, it, you, can, we, me, and my. I love my Christmas village (which I play with daily); going to Grammy & Grandpa's house; talking about things that I want for Christmas; doing crafts; playing with my Cars and playing Thomas; reading books with Mommy; doing anything with Daddy...sports, playing, reading, etc.; Christmas; seeing my friends; playing; and having fun. I don't like taking a shower or a bath, and sometimes, I don't want to do school work with Mommy. And lots of times, Reesey drives me crazy. But I love him the most!!!

Where are my pictures with my monkey this month? Mommy totally forgot to take them! Must be a busy time of year right now!