Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Fifty-Five Months Old!

January 23, 2011...I'm now 55 months old...on my way to turning five. Of course, Mommy tells me daily that I have to stay 4 1/2 forever. She doesn't want me getting any bigger. I'm all about Cars and Thomas these days...big surprise, huh? Not really! If I'm not building the coolest train tracks ever, then I'm setting up my own Radiator Springs and speedways for my cars. I love to build new tracks, and Reesey & I are having such a blast playing trains together. We tend to fight over certain trains (Edward and Spencer mostly), but overall we are getting along and learning to play together. My favorite shows right now are Thomas and Little Bear. At Grammy & Grandpa's house, I love to watch Team Umizoomi and Tom & Jerry. I think Tom & Jerry is the funniest thing in the whole world. I just crack up the entire time it is on. It is so fun to watch me watch this show. I'm also in love with the Thomas movie "Misty Island Rescue". Auntie Lish gave it to us for Christmas, and it is so great. I'm still a very good eater, and I don't have any new favorite foods right now. My favorite snacks are veggie sticks and Cheezits. I still love to be read to, and my favorite books are Good Boy, Fergus; Richard Scarry's Merry Christmas book (which I got for Christmas); Thomas books; and anything else Mommy reads to me. I can now read 36 sight words!!! I have a little book of flash cards, and I've been practicing them. I can also count by 10's and 5's. I've started learning my 2's. I do school with Mommy still, but sometimes I'm not in the mood. I love anything that makes me laugh; being with Grammy & Grandpa; having playdates with my friends; seeing my friends at the Y; playing basketball; Reesey; playing Cars and Thomas; building with blocks and Legos; eating snacks; going to the library; playing outside; playing Wii with Daddy (my new favorite game is Mario Kart!!!!!); reading with Mommy; doing crafts; and having fun! I'm still such a sweetheart and such a good boy.