Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm 15 Months Old!!!

Hey everyone! I turned 15 months old on Sunday, September 23. I am a very happy baby. I love walking, and I can walk pretty fast now. I have 2 new teeth coming in, for a total of 8 teeth. I still love to eat. My current favorites are cheese, smoothies, eggs, raisins, and avocado. I have recently tried Goldfish and Animal Crackers...both are really yummy! I can now drink from a straw, and I like trying to feed myself with a spoon. I'm still not talking much, but I can say ball, bath, dada, and mama (if she's really lucky). I try to say thank you, Jack, and hot. I point at everything, wanting to know the names of things. I still love music and books. My current favorites are Time for Bed; The Wheels on the Bus; This is the Way We Take a Bath; Mommy, Carry Me Please; and Animals. I love books with pictures of cats, dogs, and babies. I really wish Mommy and Daddy would buy me a real dog or cat. I can give hugs and kisses, give high fives, clink glasses with my sippy cup when someone says "Cheers!", brush my teeth (which I'm really into), do silly things with my paci, and go get certain things when I'm asked. I like trying to climb the stairs and destroying the house. I love the stuffed animals in my crib and room, especially my big monkey and Curious George. I still love to go on walks in my jogger...looking for cars, trucks, dogs, and airplanes. My life is GREAT! Here are some pictures of me on September 23.

Here I am at the park. I had fun playing with the buckets.

Then, I discovered the sand! I like playing with it.

Here I am crawling through a tunnel at the park.

Here are my monkey pictures.

Mommy, I've had enough!
Playing in my room!