Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

October 2008 Videos

October 31, 2008...At the Fall Festival...Jack playing one of the games.

October 31, 2008...At the Fall Festival...Jack trying to knock the cats down.

October 19, 2008...Jumpin' Jack!

Halloween 2008...

October 30-31, 2008...I had lots of fun with all kinds of Halloween activities this year. I was Donald Duck for Halloween, and I just loved my costume. I went to a Halloween party at Luke's house, a fall festival, and went trick-or-treating with my buddy, Camden. I even got to try candy corn!!! Here are some pictures from all these events...

October 31, 2008...Daddy, Reese, and me...

My family...
Big brother & little brother...

Donald Duck (me) & Thomas the Tank Engine (Camden)

Just Donald...
Trick-or-treating...I only took one treat per house!
These were Reese's PB Cups (in honor of my brother).
Taking a break from all the hard work...
Walking to Grammy & Grandpa's house...
When we got to Grammy & Grandpa's house,
I didn't want to trick-or-treat anymore. I wanted
to stay and play. Here I am riding around on my
"garbage truck". Grammy gave out the best treats,
in my opinion...Cheeze-its!!!
On Grammy & Grandpa's porch swing...
Mommy took me to a fall festival at the school
where she used to teach when she was pregnant
with me. I was a major hit in my Donald costume.
I got to see lots of kids and play some games, too.
(Reese came, too, and is in the pink sling). Getting hugged by Erin & enjoying some
really yummy popcorn! I ate the whole bag!!!
Here I am with J.T. He was in Mommy's first
class at this school. He is in seventh grade now.
He is the one who gave me my big monkey that
I take pictures with each month.
Here I am with lots of Mommy's old students.
They are all in the fifth grade now. She taught
most of them when she was pregnant with me.
(left-right: Kate D., Emma, Kate H., Abby, me,
Erin, Leila, Robyn, and Marley).
Here I am with Andrew (left) and Alex. Mommy
also taught both of them. They are now in 6th grade.
October 30, 2008...Mommy took Reese and me to
a Halloween party at Luke & Allie's house. Here
are all of my friends...Julia (Care Bear),
Mason (skunk), Eli (The Cat in the Hat), Camden
(Thomas the Tank Engine), me, and Luke (Spiderman). Here we all are with the new babies, Lily, Reese & Allie.

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008...

Two of my favorite little brother, Reese, and my dog, Spot. (I still love my pacis, but only at naptime & bedtime).

Pumpkin Carving Party...

October 26, 2008... I went to my second pumpkin carving party at the Hintons' house today. We had a lot of fun. I didn't really want to have anything to do with hollowing out or carving the pumpkin. Daddy hollowed it out, and Mommy carved it. I had fun running around with my friends.

Daddy & me hollowing out the pumpkin...
Funny picture of Eli pulling Camden and me
in his wagon...
Luke & me eating popcorn...
Camden & me riding Eli's tricycle
(while eating popcorn)...
In front of the pumpkins...
My family...
Hanging out with Daddy, watching the bonfire...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More October Fun...

October 26, 2008...Mommy's friend, Ms. Chiann,
came to visit us for the weekend. She did lots of
cooking and played with me, too. We had fun
together. Here we are making pumpkin bread.
October 25, 2008...Eating an apple with Mommy...
Reading Bob the Builder...Reading Little Bear with Daddy...
Making snickerdoodles with Halloween sprinkles...

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm 28 Months Old...

October 23, 2008...I am now 28 months old! Time is really flying, and I'm getting so big. I'm quite the talker these days...I talk all the time. I also love to sing and hum. If I'm not talking, I'm singing and humming. I still love to go to the library and pick out books and enjoy Rhyme Time. I am now into picking out nonfiction animal books (about elephants, hippos, rhinos, tigers, and polar bears). I also have to get digger books (or anything related to construction/job sites). My current favorite books are Bob the Builder books; Machines at Work; The Cat at Night; The Runaway Pumpkin; It's Pumpkin Time; Airport; Little Bear; Dazzling Diggers; Amazing Airplanes; Tough Trucks; Clifford Gets a Job; Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear?; and Goodnight Gorilla. Reading is one of my favorite things to do with Mommy. I love playing with Daddy when he comes home from work. We like to go on walks together. I love to go to Grammy & Grandpa's house. I get on the Bob the Builder website with Grammy. I like to play with airplanes and dump trucks with Grandpa. He takes me to the job site and to look at the horses, too. We have fun together. I love being a big brother, and I especially love to hug, kiss, and hold Reese. I am still into sports, Little People, construction, going on walks, and playing. I love my family and friends, especially my friend, Camden. I am happy all the time, and Mommy and Daddy think this is a great age!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Trip to the NC State Fair...

October 23, 2008...Grammy & Grandpa took me to the North Carolina State Fair today. I'm not sure who had more or Grammy & Grandpa. We had such a blast! Thank you very much, Grammy & Grandpa, for taking me to the fair. Here are some pictures from my awesome day...

Here we are, getting ready to head to the fair...
We saw cows...
Here I am holding a chick...
Aren't these chicks cute? I also saw bunnies,
horses, chickens, ducks, and a swan.
Grandpa & me on the carousel...
Grandpa & me on the tea cups...(He swore to
Mommy a long time ago that he would never
go on them again after going on them at Disney).

Checking out the giant pumpkins with Grammy...

Going fishing with Grandpa...
Riding a choo choo train with Grammy...
Playing my new trumpet...(Guess what I'm playing...
"The Victors" of course).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New October Pics...

October 22, 2008...Making pumpkin bars
with Mommy for Daddy's office...
October 20, 2008...I LOVE Reese!!!

October 19, 2008...Talking to Reese...

October 18, 2008...Having fun with Lindsay (left)
and Maggie. Maggie was in Mommy's second
grade class when she was a teacher.

Playing catch with Daddy on the stairs with
lots of my stuffed animals...

Friday, October 17, 2008

My First Big Boo Boo...

October 16, 2008...Tonight, while playing with my concrete mixer and diggers on the coffee table, I fell and bumped my head really hard on the table. Within seconds, I had a huge, blue goose egg and a cut. I think it scared both Mommy and Daddy a lot!!! Here are a few pictures later on in the evening.