Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm 28 Months Old...

October 23, 2008...I am now 28 months old! Time is really flying, and I'm getting so big. I'm quite the talker these days...I talk all the time. I also love to sing and hum. If I'm not talking, I'm singing and humming. I still love to go to the library and pick out books and enjoy Rhyme Time. I am now into picking out nonfiction animal books (about elephants, hippos, rhinos, tigers, and polar bears). I also have to get digger books (or anything related to construction/job sites). My current favorite books are Bob the Builder books; Machines at Work; The Cat at Night; The Runaway Pumpkin; It's Pumpkin Time; Airport; Little Bear; Dazzling Diggers; Amazing Airplanes; Tough Trucks; Clifford Gets a Job; Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear?; and Goodnight Gorilla. Reading is one of my favorite things to do with Mommy. I love playing with Daddy when he comes home from work. We like to go on walks together. I love to go to Grammy & Grandpa's house. I get on the Bob the Builder website with Grammy. I like to play with airplanes and dump trucks with Grandpa. He takes me to the job site and to look at the horses, too. We have fun together. I love being a big brother, and I especially love to hug, kiss, and hold Reese. I am still into sports, Little People, construction, going on walks, and playing. I love my family and friends, especially my friend, Camden. I am happy all the time, and Mommy and Daddy think this is a great age!