Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm 31 Months Old...

January 23, 2009...I turned 31 months old today. I am such a big boy now. I like to do things all by myself...I want to be independent!!! Some things I can do all by myself...turn on my nightlight, turn on my fan, turn on some of my favorite songs on my CD player, open the refrigerator and get out a snack (esp. if there's pepperoni in there), put my silverware and plates in the dishwasher, get my plates and cups out of the drawer, drink out of a regular cup, and zip/unzip my coat and take it off. I also like to sit at the kitchen table in a "big boy chair" and NOT in my high chair. I love to play with my big dump truck and backhoe loader that Uncle Matt gave me for Christmas, my Little People, puzzles, my Leapfrog Clickstart computer, and my trains, which I call airport trucks (because I am still totally obsessed with the airport). I still love to be read to, and my current favorites are Jack's House; The Cat at Night; Combine Harvesters; Tough Trucks; Dig, Dig, Digging; Spot books - especially Spot Goes to a Party & Spot Sleeps Over; My Big Book of Trucks; Little People; and any books about construction/farm equipment and animals. When I wake up every morning, I turn off my nightlight and fan, go downstairs, ask for a granola bar and ask to watch "Little Bear" (which Mommy has DVRed). I have about 13 episodes taped, and I can tell you which one I want to watch and can even quote the characters in many of the episodes. At night my routine is...I turn on my nightlight and fan, turn on my "quiet music", find my pacis (yes, I still have them at night), get Mommy to wash my hands and face with a warm washcloth (since I take my baths in the morning now), read stories with Mommy, climb into bed all by myself, using my stool, and hold Little Bear. Mommy thinks I'm just like her because she likes routine, too. I like to...go to Grammy & Grandpa's house and watch "Spot" with Grammy & play with the airport and trains with Grandpa; go to the library to check out books and go to Rhyme Time; see my friends; play soccer, baseball, football, and basketball with Daddy; hug Reese; play with all my toys; go visit Nana & Nano and spend time at the airport; sing songs and dance; read books with Mommy; talk about job sites & construction; eat any kind of cracker, and watch "Little Bear." My current favorite songs are Bingo; Old MacDonald Has a Farm; Day-O; I Like to Move It, Move It; Bob the Builder; and the theme song from Mickey Mouse clubhouse (which I don't watch). I'm a good boy & LIFE IS GOOD!