Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Trip to Marbles Museum...

October 25, 2007...I went to Marbles Museum on Thursday with Mommy and some other mommies and babies. Mommy told me that the museum is in the place where my Auntie Jo Jo and Uncle Mike had their wedding reception (at Exploris).
I really liked playing with the trains on the train table.
Here I am in the "Grocery Store" section weighing an
onion of all mommy's most unfavorite food!

Here I am tossing some food from the scale

into my shopping cart. It's fun to push those around.
I followed this little fish around the aquarium with my finger!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm 16 Months Old!!!

Hey everybody! I turned 16 months old on Tuesday, October 23. I am starting to talk and babble a lot more. I can say hi, eyes, shoes, duck, ball, Jack, mama, dada, hot, cheers, bath, car, and Bo (as in Bo Schembechler, the former Michigan football coach...and the bobblehead on our mantle). I babble a lot, too. I LOVE to...get Daddy's shoes for him, throw things (like our football), wave to my animals in my room, read books, dance, do cheers with my sippy cup, play with my ducks and basketball set in the tub, go to Grammy and Grandpa's house, eat snacks from my snack cup, play with my cars, brush my teeth, be sung to, be tickled, make my Mommy sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", go to Rhyme Time at the library, play ladder golf outside with Mommy and Daddy, and point to things. I can do lots of things that my mommy and daddy ask me to do...especially retrieving things. I like to try to feed myself with a spoon and help to put my lotion on after my bath. I have 8 teeth...and possibly some molars coming in. My favorite books right now are Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?; Time for Bed; Michigan Wolverines 1, 2, 3; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?; Mommy, Carry Me Please; Where is Baby's Pumpkin?; and Where's Spot?. I love any books with dogs, cats, cars, trucks, and Curious George. My favorite foods right now are raisins, smoothies, eggs, pesto pasta, sweet potatoes, and cheese. At my last check-up, I weighed 25 pounds, and I'm 31 1/2 inches tall. I'm growing so fast! I love to look for pumpkins and wave to scarecrows. I am going to be a puppy for Halloween! Life is still good, and I am still sweet and happy!!! Here are some pictures taken of me on October 23.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's Pumpkin Time...

October 21, 2007...Mommy, Auntie Jo Jo, Grammy, Charlie, and I went to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins. I tried to pick up the big pumpkins (as you can see below), but they were TOO heavy. So, I ended up with the little ones. Much better. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Charlie & Me...

October 21, 2007...Here I am with Charlie. He's behaving in the first picture. In the second picture, he's getting just a little too close. My expression says it all.

Charlie's Birthday Party...

Saturday, October 20, 2007...My cousin Charlie (and Auntie Jo Jo and Uncle Mike) came in town this weekend. We celebrated Charlie's first birthday. He turned one on October 4. Lots of people came to, Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Mark and Aunt Kathy (drove down from Columbus), Uncle Matt and Sara, and Grammy and Grandpa. Charlie loves to have a good time!!! Happy Birthday, Charlie! P.S. If you are wondering why there aren't any pictures of Charlie and me together, it's because he was kind of scaring me. I think I need my personal space...he was just a little too close. Next time I'll be ready!

Here are Charlie and his mommy, Auntie Jo Jo.

Here's Charlie with Uncle Adam (my daddy). Here I am with Grandpa on the porch swing.
Notice the Ohio State and Michigan shirts.

Here are Charlie, Uncle Mike, Uncle Mark and Aunt Kathy.
I basically wanted to play ladder golf outside the entire time.
Here I am with Uncle Mike.

Gymnastics Class...

Friday, October 12, 2007...I went to my first gymnastics class today. I crawled through some tunnels, crawled down incline mats, walked over hula-hoops, walked across the low balance beam, and even stood on the horse. Here are a few pictures from my first class! It was so much fun.

Friday, October 12, 2007

At the Playground...

October 11, 2007...Back to the playground. Grammy and Mommy took me to play. I got to go through the tunnel, down the slide, and on the swing. I didn't feel like playing in the sand. Look...I could finally wear my Halloween t-shirt! It has been too hot until today.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

It's October...

October 10, 2007...I am really into balloons!
I have to get one every time we go to the
grocery store.
October 8, 2007...I still love my Tonka and Perry.
October 8...Playing cars with my friend, Camden.

October 7, 2007...Just mowing the carpet.
October 7...I was eating my lunch, and a kitty cat
came onto my back porch. I had to stop eating and
go see that kitty! Where did she go?

There's the kitty in my neighbor's yard! Now where is she going?

October 5, 2007...I tried Mommy's salsa & I LOVE it!!!

October 5...Just reading in my construction hat.
October 2, 2007...Playing in the bathtub
is so much fun!

October 2...I had a playdate with my friend,
Leelyn. We played in her sandbox, and I
liked her so much that I kept hugging her.

October 1, 2007...New jammies! Mommy
bought me some new jammies.
Aren't they cute?

Monday, October 01, 2007

Picture People Photos...

September 21, 2007...Here are 2 pictures I had taken at the Picture People. Sorry they are so small.