Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm 16 Months Old!!!

Hey everybody! I turned 16 months old on Tuesday, October 23. I am starting to talk and babble a lot more. I can say hi, eyes, shoes, duck, ball, Jack, mama, dada, hot, cheers, bath, car, and Bo (as in Bo Schembechler, the former Michigan football coach...and the bobblehead on our mantle). I babble a lot, too. I LOVE to...get Daddy's shoes for him, throw things (like our football), wave to my animals in my room, read books, dance, do cheers with my sippy cup, play with my ducks and basketball set in the tub, go to Grammy and Grandpa's house, eat snacks from my snack cup, play with my cars, brush my teeth, be sung to, be tickled, make my Mommy sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", go to Rhyme Time at the library, play ladder golf outside with Mommy and Daddy, and point to things. I can do lots of things that my mommy and daddy ask me to do...especially retrieving things. I like to try to feed myself with a spoon and help to put my lotion on after my bath. I have 8 teeth...and possibly some molars coming in. My favorite books right now are Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?; Time for Bed; Michigan Wolverines 1, 2, 3; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?; Mommy, Carry Me Please; Where is Baby's Pumpkin?; and Where's Spot?. I love any books with dogs, cats, cars, trucks, and Curious George. My favorite foods right now are raisins, smoothies, eggs, pesto pasta, sweet potatoes, and cheese. At my last check-up, I weighed 25 pounds, and I'm 31 1/2 inches tall. I'm growing so fast! I love to look for pumpkins and wave to scarecrows. I am going to be a puppy for Halloween! Life is still good, and I am still sweet and happy!!! Here are some pictures taken of me on October 23.