Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm 25 Months Old...

July 23, 2008...Guess what? I'm now 25 months old! I am constantly talking and will repeat just about anything you say. I can say sentences with up to six or seven words. I can tell you what I want and what I don't want. I love to sing songs and listen to music. My current favorite songs are "The Victors" (The University of Michigan fight song) and "Day-O". I also still love to read and can finish just about any sentence in most of my books. My current favorite books are If You Give a Moose a Muffin; If You Give a Pig a Pancake; Diggers & Dumptrucks; Mr. Big Brother; I Love Trucks; Home Run; and Goodnight Gorilla. I love to play with my Fisher Price Little People. I got a Little People DVD for my birthday, and it is the best. I also love to play baseball, spend time with Grammy & Grandpa, go to baseball games, go on trips, play with my sand & water table, play with my cars & trucks, go to the library for Rhyme Time and to pick out my own books, go to the pool and jump off the steps, run fast in my new tennis shoes, play in the sprinkler & hose, and play with Daddy and Mommy. I now have 18 teeth...I have two molars coming in on the bottom. I am a good boy and am going to have a new brother or sister in about 7 weeks!